Battle of Smolensk, engagement of the Napoleonic Wars fought in eastern Russia on August 16–18, 1812, and the first large-scale battle of the French campaign in Russia. When Napoleon invaded Russia in June 1812, he led a multinational army of more than half a million soldiers. He needed a rapid and decisive victory, but although victorious at Smolensk, some 230 miles (370 km) west of Moscow and the first major battle of the invasion, he was unable to destroy Russian resistance. This meant the campaign would continue deeper into Russian territory and ever closer to the Russian winter .
Napoleon’s aim was the strategic envelopment of the Russian army, commanded by General Mikhail Barclay de Tolly, in the first few weeks of the campaign. However, the Russians, heavily outnumbered despite the addition of General Pyotr Bagration’s Second Army, pulled back rather than risk all in a single battle. Napoleon, who had halted in expectation of a Russian attack, moved toward Smolensk, one of Russia’s most sacred cities, in the hope that the Russians would make a stand there. They did, in part because Barclay’s junior officers threatened mutiny if he did not.
Napoleonic Wars Events keyboard_arrow_left
Battle of Lodi May 10, 1796
Battle of the Pyramids July 21, 1798
Battle of the Nile August 1, 1798
War of the Oranges April 1801 - June 1801
Battle of Copenhagen April 2, 1801
Treaty of Amiens March 27, 1802
Battle of Ulm September 25, 1805 - October 20, 1805
Battle of Trafalgar October 21, 1805
Battle of Austerlitz December 2, 1805
Battle of Santo Domingo February 6, 1806
Battle of Jena October 14, 1806
Battle of Eylau February 7, 1807 - February 8, 1807
Battle of Friedland June 14, 1807
Battle of Copenhagen August 15, 1807 - September 7, 1807
Dos de Mayo Uprising May 2, 1808
Peninsular War May 5, 1808 - March 1814
Battle of Wagram July 5, 1809 - July 6, 1809
Battle of Grand Port August 22, 1810 - August 29, 1810
Siege of Badajoz March 16, 1812 - April 6, 1812
Battle of Smolensk August 16, 1812 - August 18, 1812
Battle of Dresden August 26, 1813 - August 27, 1813
Battle of Leipzig October 16, 1813 - October 19, 1813
Battle of Toulouse April 10, 1814
Battle of Waterloo June 18, 1815 keyboard_arrow_right Two French columns comprising Marshal Michel Ney’s infantry corps and Marshal Joachim Murat’s cavalry crossed the River Dnieper at night, and a forced march took them within 30 miles (48 km) of Smolensk before they met any significant resistance, even though they were constantly harassed by Cossack forays. forcing them to divert troops to protect their supply train. A stubborn rearguard action at the First Battle of Krasnoi allowed the Russians time to man the rather aged and dilapidated city defenses, and in the suburbs a confused battle raged as the French attempted to take the city by storm.
French artillery pounded much of the city to burning ruins, but the Russian infantry defended their positions with a grim tenacity that stunned the French, who suffered heavy casualties. Having brought the enemy to battle, Napoleon intended to encircle them. However, the Russian commanders anticipated such a move and ordered a withdrawal during the night. Again the tenacity of the rearguard proved vital; ten regiments fought determinedly as the first of Napoleon’s troops (largely Portuguese and German conscripts) broke into the city. The Russians retreated over the river and burned the bridges behind them.
Barclay’s retreat from Smolensk led to his being replaced as commander of the Russian armies by Mikhail Kutuzov, who had faced Napoleon at the Battle of Austerlitz. Kutuzov soon delivered the major battle that Napoleon wanted, at Borodino.
Losses: Russian, 12,000 to 14,000 dead or wounded of 125,000; French, 10,00 dead or wounded of 185,000.
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